
Do I Need an Attorney for My Family Law Case?

As DIY solutions to legal cases become more and more popular, you may find yourself wondering - do I even really need an attorney for my case? Today, we're discussing the benefits and drawbacks of DIY representation for family law and estate planning cases.

To receive legal counsel from an experienced family law and estate planning attorney in Colorado, contact us online or via phone at (719) 212-4227.

The Benefits of an Attorney

In truth, there are very few cases where proceeding with a legal case without hiring an attorney or at least purchasing an unbundled representation service (more on that in a minute) is beneficial.

Most DIY legal services - particularly for family law cases - utilize a "one-size-fits-all" model that won't account for the specifics of cases, such as unique filing requirements that can differ county-by-county. Additionally, although many of these services try and implicate otherwise, even the simplest of family law cases involve complex paperwork. When your familial relationships and financial health are on the line, the last thing you want is to proceed with paperwork you don't fully understand.

Lawyers aren't only invaluable helpers when it comes to filling out and filing paperwork, however. Many family law cases unexpectedly turn "ugly" - if it happens to you, having a legal representative who will defend you in and out of court is crucial.

Should I Ever Use DIY Representation?

If you fully understand the legality of your case or have a friend or family member who does (typically, a lawyer), and your case is simple, then perhaps.

Alternatively, you may wish to seek out an unbundled representation package from a lawyer. Most lawyers allow clients to purchase specific services - such as proofreading a divorce agreement - for a one-time, flat fee. You won't get the same kind of tailored representation you would from having a lawyer on retainer, but it can be a great option if you want to have more peace of mind and still save money on your case.

We help Coloradans resolve their family law issues day in and day out. To schedule a consultation with our team, contact us online or via phone at (719) 212-4227.

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