
How to Survive Your First Valentine’s Day After Divorce

a worried woman sitting on the couch

No one goes through life thinking they will get divorced. However, approximately 50% of marriages will end in a divorce, according to the American Psychological Association.

Divorce is painful, particularly on birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays that you no longer spend with your spouse. Valentine’s Day, in particular, can be a difficult holiday for recent divorcées. Learn how to survive your first Valentine’s Day after a divorce.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day While Newly Single

Any holiday, particularly Valentine’s Day, can have treasured memories associated with it. So, how are you to get through the day without being sad? These strategies may help you:

#1. Understand Where You Are Emotionally

Try not to let the idea of the looming romantic holiday overwhelm you. Take time to evaluate your feelings and understand whether your dominant emotion is sadness, anger, fear, or something else. This way, you can prepare for the holiday in a way that is best suited to your current state of mind.

If you are feeling lonely, for example, it might help to plan a virtual movie night with friends. If you are feeling sad, perhaps do something that will lift your mood, such as treating yourself to your favorite takeout dinner or running a nice, hot bath.

#2. Stay Off Social Media

Social media often does more harm than good, particularly after a breakup. It’s probably a good idea to avoid social media on this difficult day. There are plenty of other sources of entertainment on the internet (particularly during the age of COVID), and trust’re not missing much by skipping social media for one day.

#3. Remember Why You Decided to Get Divorce

Many people romanticize their ex after they are separated. They tend to remember only the good parts of the relationship and omit the qualities of the person that made them want to pursue a divorce in the first place. Try not to live in this fantasy on Valentine’s Day. Instead, try to think about the reasons you got a divorce and whether you would really be better off still being with your ex.

Need Help with a Divorce? Contact Us Today

Issues involving a divorce don’t end once the documents are signed. If you need help pursuing or resolving a divorce, our Colorado family law attorneys are here for you.

Call Law Office of Greg Quimby, P.C. at (719) 212-4227 to schedule a free consultation with our Colorado Springs Divorce Lawyer

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