
The Basics of a Gray Divorce

Ending Marriages of the Older Generation

When most people think of a divorce, they imagine a contentious battle between two spouses who can't stand to be in the same room as each other. However, there is another type of divorce that is becoming increasingly common: the gray divorce. These divorces have become more common in recent years as the Baby Boomer generation reaches retirement age and starts to split up marriages that have lasted for decades. If you are considering a gray divorce in Colorado, it's important to understand what this process entails. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of a gray divorce and how it differs from traditional divorces.

Gray Divorce Defined and Its Causes

A gray divorce is a term used to describe the process of ending a marriage later in life. This type of divorce is becoming more common as couples grow older and decide to end their marriages.

In fact, the rate of gray divorces has doubled since 1990. So what causes this uptick in separations among older couples? Here are some of the most common issues:

  • Boredom or feeling like you've grown apart: This is often the case when couples have been together for a long time and their lives have become routine. The excitement and passion of youth have faded, and they simply don't have anything in common anymore.

  • Empty nest syndrome: Once the kids leave home, many couples find that they don't have anything left to keep them together. They suddenly have all this free time and they realize they don't really enjoy each other's company.

  • Infidelity: This is probably the most common reason for all divorces, regardless of age. If one spouse has been unfaithful, it can be very difficult to trust them again and move on from the hurt.

  • Money problems: Financial stress is another big contributor to divorce. Couples may fight over spending, debt, or even just different financial goals.

If you're experiencing any of these issues in your marriage, it's important to talk to your spouse about it. If you're both on the same page, you may be able to work through these problems and save your marriage. However, if you've been struggling for a while and nothing seems to be working, it may be time to consider divorce.

Issues That Come with Gray Divorce

While gray divorces often share many issues similar to more "traditional" divorces, there are other issues that are more commonly seen in older couples. Some issues that may come up during gray divorce include:

  • Property division: if you have been married for many years, you may have accumulated a lot of property (including homes, vehicles, investments, etc.). Dividing this property can be complicated, especially if you are not on good terms with your spouse.

  • Custody: if you have children under 18, you will need to determine custody arrangements. This can be difficult if you and your spouse are not in agreement.

  • Support: if one spouse is financially dependent on the other, they may seek spousal support or alimony. Determining the amount and duration of support can be complex and contentious.

  • Retirement: dividing retirement assets (such as pensions or 401(k)s) can be difficult, particularly if you have been married for many years.

Work with an Attorney for Gray Divorce

If you are considering a gray divorce, it is important to seek out experienced legal help. An attorney can help you navigate the unique issues that come with this type of divorce. At Law Office of Greg Quimby, P.C., regardless of the issues that need to be resolved in a divorce, we can help you plan the best path forward.

Learn more about gray divorce or schedule a consultation by calling us at (719) 212-4227 or by visiting us online.

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